Contact Us
For general questions, please visit our
Community Forum
send an email to our general support inbox.
To give us feedback about our platform, please visit our
Feedback Forum
send an email to our feedback inbox.
Report Bugs
If you've noticed something isn't working the way it should on our platform, let us know about it on our
Bug Forum
send an email to our bug alert inbox.
Request New Features
If you'd like to see a feature on our platform that hasn't been built yet, tell us about it on our
Feature Request Forum
send an email to our feature request inbox.
Communications Team
For members of the media interested in reaching UntitledDb's communications team,
send an email to our comms inbox.
For questions about images published on our platform,
send an email to our image inquiry inbox.
For personal data requests,
send an email to our personal data inbox.
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Mailing Address
418 Broadway, #4947, Albany, NY 12207