Mi par d'udir ancora
A+B Gallery•Jun 10, 2017 — Jul 15, 2017
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Press release
“Mi par d’udir ancora” is the titled of the second solo show by Max Frintrop at A+B gallery, Brescia IT. The artist has painted a new series of medium and big sizes works.
The titled of the show is related to a musical feeling born from the artist in a specific moment of his life. “Mi par d’udir ancora” is not an interpretative title, but is related to the valuation of the artist about a close and professional examination of painting materials and painting techniques of the new works. The romanza is from the lyrical work “il Pescatori di perle” by the composer Georges Bizet. The title evoques the central role of the lyrical light tenor, a voice with light and clear tone, high picked with strong vocal moments.
Mi par d’udir ancora, Ascoso in mezzo ai fior, La voce sua canora, Qual di cigno in amor! Oh! notte di carezze, Gioir che non ha fin, Bel sogno, folli ebbrezze, Oh! sovvenir divin! Delle stelle del cielo Al tremolo balen, La vegg’io d’ogni velo Render libero il...More
Mi par d'udir ancora
A+B Gallery•Jun 10, 2017 — Jul 15, 2017
Press release
“Mi par d’udir ancora” is the titled of the second solo show by Max Frintrop at A+B gallery, Brescia IT. The artist has painted a new series of medium and big sizes works.
The titled of the show is related to a musical feeling born from the artist in a specific moment of his life. “Mi par d’udir ancora” is not an interpretative title, but is related to the valuation of the artist about a close and professional examination of painting materials and painting techniques of the new works. The romanza is from the lyrical work “il Pescatori di perle” by the composer Georges Bizet. The title evoques the central role of the lyrical light tenor, a voice with light and clear tone, high picked with strong vocal moments.
Mi par d’udir ancora, Ascoso in mezzo ai fior, La voce sua canora, Qual di cigno in amor! Oh! notte di carezze, Gioir che non ha fin, Bel sogno, folli ebbrezze, Oh! sovvenir divin! Delle stelle del cielo Al tremolo balen, La vegg’io d’ogni velo Render libero il...More