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Press Release
“I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am, also, much more than that. So we are all.”
James Baldwin, Notes on a Native Son
ArtNoble Gallery is pleased to present Cose Bizzarre, Jermay Michael Gabriel’s (Addis Abeba, 1997) first solo exhibition in Italy, curated by Elisa Giuliano.
Cose Bizzarre is an exhibition that as a whole exposes how visions and representations of people and places as radically “other” than ourselves depend mostly on power relations that are often difficult to break or reverse. Jermay Michael Gabriel reminds us through his works, and through his approach to artistic research, of the fatigue involved in reversing the gaze from the margins, as the power relations that constituted them can seem ultima-tely indelible. We can thus still aspire to a critical understanding of these power relations and our role within them. Jermay Michael Gabriel stimulates and instigates this...More
Exhibition Space

Press Release
“I am what time, circumstance, history, have made of me, certainly, but I am, also, much more than that. So we are all.”
James Baldwin, Notes on a Native Son
ArtNoble Gallery is pleased to present Cose Bizzarre, Jermay Michael Gabriel’s (Addis Abeba, 1997) first solo exhibition in Italy, curated by Elisa Giuliano.
Cose Bizzarre is an exhibition that as a whole exposes how visions and representations of people and places as radically “other” than ourselves depend mostly on power relations that are often difficult to break or reverse. Jermay Michael Gabriel reminds us through his works, and through his approach to artistic research, of the fatigue involved in reversing the gaze from the margins, as the power relations that constituted them can seem ultima-tely indelible. We can thus still aspire to a critical understanding of these power relations and our role within them. Jermay Michael Gabriel stimulates and instigates this...More