Adelantar la barbilla y medir el horizonte
Bombon•Jun 26, 2024 — Sep 03, 2024
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Press Release
Sometimes, it starts dark and over dark paints light, and the other way around; it doesn’t satisfy. The layers reach a final point of accumulation that turns into a truly germinal base, and there begins another part of the process which consists of making visible what is there, organizing it or choosing what is important through the accumulation of more layers. More layers and more shadows. But these act differently.
It returns a gaze that has turned inward and opens up to a strange idea of uninterested action, although it holds a latent violence, about to burst; a double shadow. Natalia Suárez takes asleep images, not sure from where, to name and direct these inflamed shadows that appear along the canvases. At a certain moment, drawing human figures has been an efficient way to anticipate the course of the brush. Add to it that painting bodies makes one think about their own body, as well as other bodies. It implies a constant revision of the image we have of...More
Exhibition Space

Adelantar la barbilla y medir el horizonte
Bombon•Jun 26, 2024 — Sep 03, 2024
Press Release
Sometimes, it starts dark and over dark paints light, and the other way around; it doesn’t satisfy. The layers reach a final point of accumulation that turns into a truly germinal base, and there begins another part of the process which consists of making visible what is there, organizing it or choosing what is important through the accumulation of more layers. More layers and more shadows. But these act differently.
It returns a gaze that has turned inward and opens up to a strange idea of uninterested action, although it holds a latent violence, about to burst; a double shadow. Natalia Suárez takes asleep images, not sure from where, to name and direct these inflamed shadows that appear along the canvases. At a certain moment, drawing human figures has been an efficient way to anticipate the course of the brush. Add to it that painting bodies makes one think about their own body, as well as other bodies. It implies a constant revision of the image we have of...More