15th Baltic Triennial: Same Day
Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius•Sep 06, 2024 — Jan 12, 2025
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Press Release
“It’s just your fear…can you believed?
In our problems… faces of comforts…
and only time can forget you…
and next minutes hands opening shadows…
The same day… the same day… the same day…”
– Emerson, “Same Day,” in Songs Without Music, 1984. (Wording reproduced faithfully according to the original manuscript)
Every day we wake up to intimations of a script. A script that feels strangely familiar but is not entirely legible. Sunrise presents a variation on a theme that is violently pre-sanctioned. Joyful or sad, a day always invites revolt – an inclination to live a life unscripted. There are days of compliance and days of rebellion and there are days of truce. Most days culminate in a draw or a defeat. More rarely in a victory. Each day is its own wondrous struggle. It recycles and replenishes without reassurance. Some attempt to gain control over this cycle. They observe, study, memorise, and...More
Exhibition Space

15th Baltic Triennial: Same Day
Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius•Sep 06, 2024 — Jan 12, 2025
Press Release
“It’s just your fear…can you believed?
In our problems… faces of comforts…
and only time can forget you…
and next minutes hands opening shadows…
The same day… the same day… the same day…”
– Emerson, “Same Day,” in Songs Without Music, 1984. (Wording reproduced faithfully according to the original manuscript)
Every day we wake up to intimations of a script. A script that feels strangely familiar but is not entirely legible. Sunrise presents a variation on a theme that is violently pre-sanctioned. Joyful or sad, a day always invites revolt – an inclination to live a life unscripted. There are days of compliance and days of rebellion and there are days of truce. Most days culminate in a draw or a defeat. More rarely in a victory. Each day is its own wondrous struggle. It recycles and replenishes without reassurance. Some attempt to gain control over this cycle. They observe, study, memorise, and...More