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Press release
Pastoral Letters: Be an Impious Steward (Text by Jinyoung You)
In a day and age when everything questions and is questioned in turn, there is one thing that is never questioned: the absolute order that is capitalism. As a symbolic presence, it can commit any wrong and never be held accountable. If anything, it is the individuals who game or find flaws in this solemn system who end up constantly being put on trial. By stepping back and cooking up a bit of mystery and falsehood to inflate itself, capitalism has been able to prolong its life. It cloaks itself in human bodies bearing the weight of original sin (the Fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil), in sparkling slot machines and gaudy accessories, and in cult leaders and unidentifiable advertising. Thus, concealing its own identity, capitalism hovers around us offering customized salvation.
The solo exhibition Derivative Messiah by the 14th DOOSAN Yonkang Arts Award recipient Sinae Yoo—and most centrally the eponymous...More
Press release
Pastoral Letters: Be an Impious Steward (Text by Jinyoung You)
In a day and age when everything questions and is questioned in turn, there is one thing that is never questioned: the absolute order that is capitalism. As a symbolic presence, it can commit any wrong and never be held accountable. If anything, it is the individuals who game or find flaws in this solemn system who end up constantly being put on trial. By stepping back and cooking up a bit of mystery and falsehood to inflate itself, capitalism has been able to prolong its life. It cloaks itself in human bodies bearing the weight of original sin (the Fruit of the Tree of Good and Evil), in sparkling slot machines and gaudy accessories, and in cult leaders and unidentifiable advertising. Thus, concealing its own identity, capitalism hovers around us offering customized salvation.
The solo exhibition Derivative Messiah by the 14th DOOSAN Yonkang Arts Award recipient Sinae Yoo—and most centrally the eponymous...More