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Since the Middle Ages, that idea of a Land of Milk and Honey has been circulating in various cultures—a land without any need for labour, where a better and more prosperous life is possible. Ready-cooked food is there for the taking, wine flows straight out of the grapes, and even the buildings are tasty. A fountain of youth keeps bodies healthy, unwrinkled and pure. There is no property, wages are earned during sleep, laziness is rewarded and lies are honoured. Every day is a sunny Sunday.
This place, where people are free of worry and unfulfilled needs, was first detailed in ‘Le fabliau de Cocagne’ (France, ca. 1250), while the German language term ‘Schlaraffenland’ appeared in 1408. Whether it describes a utopia envisioned by the poor, who dream of a life without hunger and toil, or whether it represents a satirical, moralising view of the men of letters of the time: The perspective on that notion remains unknown. It is temporally situated either in the past—in an alleged...More
Exhibition Space

Press Release
Since the Middle Ages, that idea of a Land of Milk and Honey has been circulating in various cultures—a land without any need for labour, where a better and more prosperous life is possible. Ready-cooked food is there for the taking, wine flows straight out of the grapes, and even the buildings are tasty. A fountain of youth keeps bodies healthy, unwrinkled and pure. There is no property, wages are earned during sleep, laziness is rewarded and lies are honoured. Every day is a sunny Sunday.
This place, where people are free of worry and unfulfilled needs, was first detailed in ‘Le fabliau de Cocagne’ (France, ca. 1250), while the German language term ‘Schlaraffenland’ appeared in 1408. Whether it describes a utopia envisioned by the poor, who dream of a life without hunger and toil, or whether it represents a satirical, moralising view of the men of letters of the time: The perspective on that notion remains unknown. It is temporally situated either in the past—in an alleged...More