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Press Release
Skala is pleased to announce Markus Saile’s Pipes.
The series of paintings titled Pipes stand out recognisably from Markus Saile’s work. Although they stick to the consequent exploration within the painting matter, Pipes are seductive in their thriftiness. Leaving us wanting more and feeling perfectly satisfied at the same time.
The shape is often dictated by representation, with the substrate derived from its content. In the Pipes series, however, form—predetermined as a width of 13 cm—becomes the starting point, defining the boundaries of the brushstrokes. The exceptionally narrow surface challenges the artist to balance on the edge of executing precise and satisfying gestures. The traces left by the brush serve as a record of the movement that created them, inscribed into a three-dimensional space delineated by the vectors of the X, Y, and Z axes.
The artist deliberately repeats, intersects, and loops the brush’s path, which results...More
Exhibition Space

Press Release
Skala is pleased to announce Markus Saile’s Pipes.
The series of paintings titled Pipes stand out recognisably from Markus Saile’s work. Although they stick to the consequent exploration within the painting matter, Pipes are seductive in their thriftiness. Leaving us wanting more and feeling perfectly satisfied at the same time.
The shape is often dictated by representation, with the substrate derived from its content. In the Pipes series, however, form—predetermined as a width of 13 cm—becomes the starting point, defining the boundaries of the brushstrokes. The exceptionally narrow surface challenges the artist to balance on the edge of executing precise and satisfying gestures. The traces left by the brush serve as a record of the movement that created them, inscribed into a three-dimensional space delineated by the vectors of the X, Y, and Z axes.
The artist deliberately repeats, intersects, and loops the brush’s path, which results...More