Similar Exhibitions
Press Release
kinship is the first group exhibition at KIN. It brings together a selection of works from 35 artists under the leitmotif of the gallery’s founding principle. In definition, kinship refers to the relationships within a community or a family. The structure that defines these connections, through blood or communion, is an organisational tool that gives form and arrangement to the society in which we are participants. Outside of a family union, a kin structure can look like a sorority or a sports club.
kinship is not a thematic exhibition in the standard sense; instead the exhibition foregrounds connection as a generative motor grounded in a visual vernacular. This question of connection, of how we find, make, and remake our relations with others, is explored across a variety of mediums that touch on far-ranging themes, from the generation of empathy to the origins of intimacy and theorizations on the beginning of time. Sometimes this emerges through domestic...More
Exhibition Space

Press Release
kinship is the first group exhibition at KIN. It brings together a selection of works from 35 artists under the leitmotif of the gallery’s founding principle. In definition, kinship refers to the relationships within a community or a family. The structure that defines these connections, through blood or communion, is an organisational tool that gives form and arrangement to the society in which we are participants. Outside of a family union, a kin structure can look like a sorority or a sports club.
kinship is not a thematic exhibition in the standard sense; instead the exhibition foregrounds connection as a generative motor grounded in a visual vernacular. This question of connection, of how we find, make, and remake our relations with others, is explored across a variety of mediums that touch on far-ranging themes, from the generation of empathy to the origins of intimacy and theorizations on the beginning of time. Sometimes this emerges through domestic...More