Cinematic Cybernetics
Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig•Jul 05, 2018 — Oct 14, 2018
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Julius Hofmann (*1983) studied under Neo Rauch and Heribert C. Ottersbach at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. Since graduating in 2011 he has focused intensively on issues of picture composition and the representation of space and surfaces in the digital age – in painting and, for a number of years now, also in the medium of computer graphics and 3D animation. For Hofmann, the two artistic techniques are closely related and influence one another. Where the worlds, cities, settings, landscapes and protagonists in the films reflect their origins in painting, Hofmann imports the style and characteristics of animation into his painting. The new film “Ikonen” is now undergoing its premiere at the MdbK. Also on show are extended versions of the two first chapters of his “MoYE – Might of Young Engines” project, begun in 2014.
Of the four chapters planned for “Might of Young Engines”, two films of approximately 20 minutes each have been completed so far (2015 and...More
Exhibition Space

Cinematic Cybernetics
Museum of Fine Arts Leipzig•Jul 05, 2018 — Oct 14, 2018
Press Release
Julius Hofmann (*1983) studied under Neo Rauch and Heribert C. Ottersbach at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig. Since graduating in 2011 he has focused intensively on issues of picture composition and the representation of space and surfaces in the digital age – in painting and, for a number of years now, also in the medium of computer graphics and 3D animation. For Hofmann, the two artistic techniques are closely related and influence one another. Where the worlds, cities, settings, landscapes and protagonists in the films reflect their origins in painting, Hofmann imports the style and characteristics of animation into his painting. The new film “Ikonen” is now undergoing its premiere at the MdbK. Also on show are extended versions of the two first chapters of his “MoYE – Might of Young Engines” project, begun in 2014.
Of the four chapters planned for “Might of Young Engines”, two films of approximately 20 minutes each have been completed so far (2015 and...More